Európai Önkéntes Szolgálat

Ha kalandra vágysz, szeretnél nyelvet tanulni és az önkéntes munka világában tapasztalatot szerezni, akkor az EVS Neked szól!

Legyél Te is EVS önkéntes külföldön!

Az Európai Unió által finanszírozott pályázható projektek! Jelentkezés [email protected]


Program leírás. Kattints a képre:


További részletek az EVS menüpont alatt!

EU-FA Foundation is proud to announce that from the beginning of April 2012 we became an official Sending Organization for EVS Projects.

We target to participate in EVS future projects effectively, therefore all requests are considered welcome especially those which aim the next available application deadline; 1st of May 2012

Our co-worker will provide solid performance, and will put all their experiences in line in order to support foreign Projects; we will recruit adequately qualified volunteers for your need.

EU-FA Foundation feels glad to know you!

In order to have greater understandings of our Organization, we are going to develop our website shortly. Till we manage that, please feel free to contact me any time in Email:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Kind regards

Károly Tóth

EVS Project Manager – EU-FA